Starting the (Business) New Year with 7 Speeches

I hope that you are preparing today for the Labor Day weekend and finding ways among the tumult to take a break and enjoy the blessings of friends and family. That’s the Meyers’ plan, amidst household chores, the start of new and remote semesters, and as you’ll see, a busy September ahead!

So first, allow me to wish you a Happy Business New Year!

The end of the calendar year is too busy – what with holidays, meeting targets and closing the books — to feel like a fresh start. To me, it’s Labor Day that’s more like the beginning of a brand new annual cycle for business. How to seize the new business year in this disruptive and very different time will be the topic of our next “Powering the Pandemic Pivot” webinar, on Wednesday, September 9, at noon. Our good friend Alisa McCabe and I will share our thoughts in a new, more focused Q&A format that should only take about 45 minutes out of your lunch hour. And we’ll also have a quick rundown of the current events most critical to entrepreneurial businesses in New Jersey. I hope you will join us again. To register, go to

If you’re making New Year’s resolutions for your business and one of them is to have a more successful and aggressive business year — one with fewer hassles and a faster track to closing new sales — I also hope you will contact me, so we can have a conversation about how Meyer Business Law can help you achieve that goal.

Meanwhile, that Wednesday webinar is only one of seven times I will be speaking over the next few weeks! Here’s the rest of my speaking schedule:

  • Tuesday, September 8, at 1:00 PM ET: “Sound and Fury: Morality, Ideology and the Rise of “Cancel Culture” – I will be moderating this web panel of national thought-leaders, presented by Thomson Reuters. Registration is free.
  • Wednesday, September 9: I’ll be recording a new, free webinar with Nicole Rose, about how companies can build their own excellent and effective compliance training. The webinar will be available in future weeks.
  • Thursday, September 10, 7:00 AM ET: “Speak-Up Culture” — I will be presenting to the networking group CABO-NJ (Collaboration Among Business Owners), on how entrepreneurial companies can foster a “Speak-Up Culture”… and why that would boost their business. To join us – and visit with what is a pretty great group of Jersey entrepreneurs – start by contacting CABO-NJ.

The following week is the annual Compliance and Ethics Institute sponsored by the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE), of which I am a proud member. I been on the faculty of the Institute for each of the last seven years, and I am not going to make an exception this year just because the event is virtual. The Institute does require a paid registration, but let me tell you what I am going to be talking about in case these are things you would find useful for your business:

  • Monday, September 14, 6:00 PM ET: “The Trouble with Moral Relativism” – I’ll be leading an advanced discussion group at the SCCE Institute about the shifting ground beneath the foundation of corporate compliance programs and any attempt at ethical leadership.
  • Tuesday, September 15, 11:15 AM ET: “Speak-Up Success: Training and Communications to Truly Encourage Reporting and Reduce Retaliation.” – I will lead this workshop at the Institute, along with Amy McDougal, about practical and effective ways to generate a Speak-up Culture.
  • Wednesday, September 24, 12:00 Noon ET: “Company Culture” — If my Compliance and Ethics Institute remarks sound interesting to you, then tune in to our next “Powering the Pandemic Pivot” webinar, where I’ll try to share what I learn at this year’s Institute.

I think my speaking schedule the next two weeks is a bit of a metaphor. In between a “cancel culture” and an “anything-goes culture,” we are all left in the middle just trying to pivot our organizations to succeed and lead ethically in turbulent times. It’s an honor to be able to provide you with counsel, in our own way, with that valuable endeavor.

Again, have a great weekend, and Happy New Year!

Looking forward,


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